The amount which you are going to spend for your gun is minimal it would cost you few lakhs of Rupees and then you are going to spend some amount for cartridges and air shooting. This would cost you an additional few lakhs. An estimated cost by the writer for the gun and its various cartridges and outdoor practice sessions would be estimated 8 lakhs.
Silencers are optional because you would be shooting it outdoor in open space. Silencers do help if you want to experience a hush sound. If you have a mounted gun then it would be a pleasure shooting in open space as you could have your mount off loaded. Do have additional storage of cartridges. An estimated package for all the costs would be 8 lakhs.
Basic necessities you require are:
1) Firearm.
2) Vehicle.
3) Cartridges.
4) Open space.
5) First aid kit.
6) Telephone.
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