Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Care to dispose of your gun!

Purchase a gun, use a gun, maintain a gun and then some fine day you see another variant by another inventor and then you would like to exchange or dispose of a gun for some better choice.

Precautions before you dispose of your gun.

 Always ensure you understand the necessity of having an old desolate and not to be used gun at your place, stacking it as a memory of bygone era a beautiful glory era where you had gone for hunting or displaying it as an exuberance and making your friends loathe you for having a loaded rifle with you. A constant application of wax and cleaning it to picture perfect for better visibility so that you can see your shadow in it. A few rounds of cartridge burnt or few thousands spent on trying to hit at the target. Beautiful memories of having the gun taken with you and trying to make good use of it. A river side past time where you would have spent some thousands trying to burn the gun powder just for the smell of it. Old guns do have some zing to it.

Disposable of those bygone era guns is tough. There are memories associated with it, events and history has taken place with guns. Guns are fascination for some just for the sake of it. I would have had a trench dug out and bade a farewell to my gun.

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