Canada is a country bordering with United States of America. Canada capital is Ottawa. Some of the large cities are Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton. etc. Total area of Canada is 9,976,139 Total population is 32,805, 041. Languages known are English as well as French. Currency for exchange is Dollar.
Canada the second largest country in the world, occupies part of North America except Alaska in the west .The are various French islands known as St.Pierre, Miquelon, etc.
Canada became a self governing dominion in 1867. It has ties to the British crown. Canada is federation of 10 provinces namely Alberta, British Columbia, Mantioba, New Brunswick, Labradov, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Sakatchewan, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Nunavat, etc.
Canada is largely popular for its maple trees. Canada is a rich country endowed with mineral wealth.
Wild strawberry fraise sauvage.
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