Monday, June 30, 2014

IACA gong association.

Good morning.
Do you represent the association in Wollongong, New south wales, Australia.
I am a member of the association in Wollongong.
Association name.
I (M.S.R.S-Choudhary) have recently joined the association IACA gong as an outsider and i do not hold any strategic work importance. I represented the association as a migrant from Indian republic. I did visit the place.
Alright so how comfortable are you with the association/organization?
 I being a part of the association do not hold any strategic importance to the council. I believe this was done so that I can be comfortable with people holding strategic importance. I am still a member of the organization which makes me comfortable.
Would you explain the history of the association?
This association was formed for immigrants. I being an immigrant wanted to be a part of the organization. There might be others who might be native, first generation, second generation or would be members who would like to take part in the activities and of possible serve the community. This association was formed in the late 1990`s. It is located in Wollongong in the state of New south wales, Australia.
You mentioned about activities would you like to participate.
Certainly, if there is an opportunity to put forth an activity or a group performance act I  could be interested to take part in the event.
How often does the organization meet?
Council activities are tightly scheduled it is hard to obtain a leave or free time for association activities. There is an event chart where people perform and members or would be members are allowed.
Major/minor responsibility you would like to take part.
I would like to organize community activities and be updated with the organization. Knowledge I gained about the association is very little and I have a lot of homework to do before becoming member.
If you have an advice what would that be?
Completing homework about the association would give me a complete knowledge and also contribute to organization development.
How would you describe this place to other members?
This organization is a wonderful place for people to meet. Immigrants with permanent residency have lots of takeaways from the organization such as group activities and knowledge about fellow members of the community. There are other organizations present in the vicinity but I prefer this place not to say that I do not visit other places of importance.
Could you give us the location details of the organization.
The organization is located in Wollongong and could be approached by a car. Car parking is provided for the convenience of its members.
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